Alexis Baum, Times Over Time: The secret sauce to a life of strategic serendipity
Alexis believe a life well lived, a business that sells itself, and an abundance of cherished relationships are all shaped not by constant action, but by short, meaningful moments spread out over time. Whether it’s a quick coffee catchup after years apart or a spontaneous burst of creative collaboration, these deep, shared experiences produce lasting impact. Sometimes, it only takes a few minutes to change everything. Often, it takes a lifetime to realize that is the case. Take part in the Nerd Nite session that doubles as one of your “times over time” with Alexis and others.
Alex Boza, How to Colonize Venus, because doing things the hard way is more fun
An imaginative, innovative, and hopefully inspiring tutorial on what it would take for humans to live on Venus. When the only limit is the capacity of your imagination the possibilities for Earth’s twin planet are endless. From releasing toxic gasses to basically freezing the planet this presentation will show you how to do it all in 5 easy steps!
Jason Vogel, Creating a more equitable world with as little as $25
kiva.org is a non-profit crowdfunding platform designed to open financial opportunity for all. With as little as $25 you can help fund a loan to one of the 1.4 BILLION people that do not otherwise have access to financial services. Hand-pick your recipient, location, and sector based on your own passions, and help make the world a more equitable place!